“ [A] group of influential progressives and new environmentalists are apoplectic about the bill because it does not also overthrow capitalism. The new environmentalist movement leaders sort of care about the environment, technically, but mostly because climate change is a useful apocalyptic cudgel to approach social issues. Their big argument has been that climate cannot be addressed until we . . . defund the police, end the economic growth mindset, and abolish private property.
This is a long-running theme that must never be forgotten: Many on the Left see climate action as a stalking horse for coercing a socialistic economic order on the planet.”
“With them and theirs in charge of everything, of course. No matter that central planning killed a hundred million people last century. No matter that the free enterprise system, not any form of central planning, is what has elevated living standards across the world and across history.“
“This logic is of no interest to the power-seekers, and that lack of interest again informs us that the real goal is imposing their will, not addressing the problem.“
“ [A] group of influential progressives and new environmentalists are apoplectic about the bill because it does not also overthrow capitalism. The new environmentalist movement leaders sort of care about the environment, technically, but mostly because climate change is a useful apocalyptic cudgel to approach social issues. Their big argument has been that climate cannot be addressed until we . . . defund the police, end the economic growth mindset, and abolish private property.
This is a long-running theme that must never be forgotten: Many on the Left see climate action as a stalking horse for coercing a socialistic economic order on the planet.”
“With them and theirs in charge of everything, of course. No matter that central planning killed a hundred million people last century. No matter that the free enterprise system, not any form of central planning, is what has elevated living standards across the world and across history.“
“This logic is of no interest to the power-seekers, and that lack of interest again informs us that the real goal is imposing their will, not addressing the problem.“