While you occasionally promote some solutions to climate change, 90% of the time you are promoting "do nothing".

Well, guess what? "Do nothing" doesn't cut it any more. The public wants action on climate change, and no one has been promoting the solutions you like enough for them to rise to the top of the heap.

If you want better solutions, I suggest you spend more of your time promoting them and less of your time promoting "do nothing".

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“This means that the current approach to mitigating anthropogenic climate change, i.e. replacement of of coal, oil, and gas energy with wind and solar, is being implemented by only one-sixth of the planet. With even that one-sixth slamming against the wall of economic and technological realities - wind and solar are simply not ready to be anything more than supplemental/niche power sources - the impact of this approach on the climate will be negligible.“

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