Well stated Peter. The allegedly utopian pursuits of these ideologues is a farce and a facade. You mention your view on the global warming, I've written before about the idea of eliminating our carbon footprint. It is rather impossible to eliminate the carbon footprint of a carbon-based life form that subsists on carbon-based consumables and exhales carbon dioxide without eliminating the life form itself: https://curetsky.substack.com/p/they-want-to-eliminate-your-carbon

The best solution to the supposed carbon dioxide problem would be for these quixotic crusaders to stop exhaling.

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What utterly astounds me in this is that they show no signs of awareness of the utter folly of this decarbonization effort... until I realize - and it's a really harsh indictment - that they don't care about the futility of their efforts, because it's about obeisance rather than outcome.

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I do, however, find it interesting that Dimon uses the language of “permitting”, a theme from the sane environmental, human-flourishing right. Also, your use of “bollixing” is such a great word choice here.

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Illinois has passed HB4412, illegally I may add, that takes away counties' rights to set ordinances for wind and solar. The setbacks in the state ordinance are not safe. They are hell bent on destroying the best farmland in the world. And we'll have acres upon acres of brownfields. You're right this is energy suicide. How can the "best and the brightest" be so stupid?

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They don't care about negative outcomes, as long as those outcomes don't directly affect them. And they're wealthy enough to be insulated from almost all such.

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