Nicely done Sir!

Todays observation is fair, practical, disheartening, and in many ways prophetic.

Quoting a character from SciFI, in the midst of a devestating tyranny on earth:

"Because .. as much as our humanity .. got us into this .. our humanity's the only thing that's going to get us out again."

I desperately want to believe the coming crisis will reach a moment of clarity,

folks (just people) will see the abyss and choose, albeit difficult, to work

with each other to back away from the 11th hour of this socio-doomsday.

As you've observed in many issues of "Roots of Liberty" the sickening codependency

between a 'bent' media and the socially-ill left demonstrates some of the most

amazing contortions to spew their bile while calling it caviar, and complimenting

themselves on the piquant flavor of said offal.

It needs to become painfully apparent to these social oppressors:

-they are in the minority

-urban U.S. is a fraction of the nation, by size and temperament

-the beleagured middle has had enough of them

-without their fellow citizens; at least in comprise, this does not end well

People keep dancing around the 'edge' and the decision is going to make

itself in the worst way if we don't take a hand in steering it somewhere else.


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I write a lot about the cultural dominance of the illiberal Left, but it remains that they are indeed a minority with an outsize influence, one they've achieved through fear and nastiness. People are waking up to it, fortunately, with many liberals walking away from the nutters and sociopaths that run that show.

The moment of clarity won't be a moment so much as a steady erosion in their ranks. I'm convinced that there are many who consider themselves left leaning are there merely out of habit, or remain there out of fear of castigation, cancellation, and expulsion, or are there because they can't stomach the equivalent wild-eyes on the Right. These people are peeling off, individually and in small groups.

In doing so, they're increasing the ratio of insane to sane over there, and the insane are going ever further. That'll accelerate abandonment. Unfortunately, the nutters will retain cultural control for a while, given that they own the NYT and other primary media outlets, and that Big Tech is infested with them.

But, in time, I have a decent amount of hope that this insanity will be rejected.

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Re: Zimmerman case. Defendant referred to by NYT as a “white Hispanic”, since he was initially (and thus conclusively, since it was, after all, The Times) identified as guilty. Once Hispanics get forever stained with the always-to-be-avoided “White” adjective they are in danger of being lost to the progressive coalition. Happened in 2020 election somewhat, will be more pronounced in ‘22.

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I think the opposite trend is happening. Latinos are moving to the GOP, and abandoning the Dems who have long assumed and declared ownership of their votes.

I've long argued that the GOP should court and embrace the latino communities. Just look at the cultural norms therein: religiosity and faith, family coherence, civic pride, and entrepreneurial spirit. The resistance to pursue that voting bloc is, IMO, an unfortunate corollary of a nativist trend that lifted Trump to the GOP nomination, and a conflation of illegal immigrants with all latinos.

But, the Dems, again being their own worst enemies, expect the latino vote even as they do much that runs against the culture. Consider the gig economy, small business, abortion, and religious liberty, and ponder how the Dems are on the opposite side of latinos on all of them.

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In San Francisco, they also tried to do away with merit-based admissions to my old high school, Lowell High, that was the only public school that took kids from everywhere in the city based on grades and an admission exam (as opposed to the district schools that were based on your address). When I went there (I was class of 1981), it was mostly Asian and it has remained that way since. In the wave of the ultra-wokeness of the 2020s, the school board voted to change it to a lottery system and there was such a backlash that even DEI-obsessed San Francisco reversed the decision and it's back to merit-baed admissions again. There was even a movie made about the school that tries to pain it as some sort of insane pressure cooker (it's just a rigorous academic high school-that's all). Merit and rigor get such a bad rap these days. https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/try-harder/

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