I really enjoy the information you provide. It’s always thoughtful and informative. This particular piece gives me more thanks than ever for the outcome of the recent election. The constitution has been under attack for decades, there is finally some pushback from the generally apathetic public. Prayers aren’t enough, true reform is necessary 🤞🧹🧹🗽🇺🇸

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Konstantin Kisin noted that the biggest feeling he felt after Trump's win was relief. I think that's the best word for what I felt, as well. Not that I was or am a Trump fan, but from the sense of halting, or at least pausing, the amok government that the Obama-Biden-Harris arc was delivering.

The Democrats have truly lost their way in their veer lefward into authoritarian land. It's laughable, and telling, that they call the other team 'fascists.'

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Great article Peter. I have never understood the blind europhilia of celebrities ...and even many of my peers.

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I think there's an element of aristocratic thinking there. The old-world sense of "we are better than the masses" that is part of European classicism. Wealthy celebs, who ironically would be looked down by the blue bloods as "nouveau-riche," feel that they should be part of the ruling class and that there should be a ruling class.

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“And, if you are a gay woman moving to the UK with your gay wife, I don't imagine you'll be all that thrilled with the religious zealotry of unassimilated Islam. From where I sit, I see far more chance that the UK will eventually morph into some Islamic equivalent of Margaret Atwood's Gilead than America would, despite all the Handmaid-attired panickers that have paraded around in recent weeks over here.”

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