It's unusual for me to disagree with one of Peter's columns as much as I disagree with this one. And yet, I agree with its characterization of Kamala Harris's disdain for Western values, as shown by her rare public comments against X (formerly Twitter) because people can post without government oversight! Free speech is one of the many concepts for which she has no use.

But neither do Trump and Vance. In fact, we're heading into an entirely new postliberal environment, at least based on our current political leadership. People seem to think that Trump will somehow stand with the values of our society, but the only thing we know is that Trump's main driving force is xenophobia: he hates other countries because he believes they are playing us for suckers, and he hates immigrants, whether illegal or legal, and wants to have a mass expulsion (which will be fascinating to see how it will be executed without running roughshod over both the Constitution and individual rights).

The current political climate is too sad to even laugh about. To see J.D. Vance repeat far-left-wing smears of the U.S. to score cheap political points against his political enemies is the type of crap that is to be expected in a post liberal environment, where values are only useful if they advance one's own objectives, not because the country is built on them.

This is unquestionably the election from hell. Perhaps we're already there.


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Any argument you might have had with this post lost all credibility as soon as you said “Trump's main driving force is xenophobia.” Xenophobia the left wing buzz word to prove any given point at any given moment in time. 🧐

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Sometimes "buzz words" turn out to be true. Only someone who was undeniably xenophobic would go on national TV in a presidential debate and spout preposterous stories about Haitian immigrants to the U.S. eating pet dogs and cats. I wouldn't call that a dog whistle, because even the deaf could hear it. Sorry that you cannot.

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While I am quite bothered by the Right's shift toward nativism, it is hard not to conclude that a wave of unassimilated (and largely unvetted) immigrants isn't in the best interest of the nation. I have quoted one of the Koch brothers in noting "I'd let in everyone who'd make the country better, and no one who'd make the country worse."

As for the election? I know what to expect from Trump. A mixed bag of policies and four years of hyperventilation. I also know what to expect from Harris, and what she and the Left would do scares me a lot more than Trump. She is a worse person than he is.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Peter Venetoklis

I’ve seen numerous videos of locals saying it is happening. The official involved seem to be denying and covering the proof up those reports. This isn’t that far fetched. The covering/ignoring of proof or the eating of pets. I lived near an Indian reservation for a short period of time and had dogs go missing from my backyard. When out searching neighbors told that they get stolen for food by local native Americans. So I’m inclined to believe it is probably really happening because Haitians think of our pets as food source. We will see. No one is given the data out on stolen pet reports or missing pet reports.

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Yeah, it's coming out that there have been confirmed instances. Not that it's rampant, but that it has happened.

But, the narrative now is that Trump made it up, so that's what people who don't like him will stick to.

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