I remember much gnashing of teeth when Iowa changed to CC last year or the year before. Would be interesting for a journalist to do a follow up on the crime rates before and after.

And though I am not a gun owner myself, nor will I ever be, I'm proud that my state of Nebraska is currently working on constitutional carry for our state

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There's so much lying when it comes to crime reporting. One thing to watch for is the use of "gun crime" rather than "violent crime." It artificially narrows the stats, and won't pick up changes in other forms of crime (decreases of which might be attributed to CCW - the vast majority of defensive gun uses are mere brandishing, and often go unreported because the mugger ran away).

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Yes, very much so. Anything to push the "guns bad, must ban them" fearmongering narrative

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An addendum. Ohio just enacted Constitutional Carry. That brings the Constitutional Carry citizenship in the US to 100M (31%), vs 84M (25%) in may-issue.

Georgia, Florida, and Nebraska have bills working through their legislatures. If they all succeed, the total will be 134M (41%) in 26 states.

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