17 hrs agoLiked by Peter Venetoklis

The map at the end should be quite an eye opener for anyone saying Israel is the problem. The fact that Arabs, Gazans and Israelis live side by side in peace in Israel, yet no Israelis live in Gaza, due to the fact that they’ll be killed on sight, should be all anyone needs to know about how gazans want nothing but no Israel to exist. Too many of the liberal professors are ramming the muh oppression narrative down the throats of impressionable young kids. Too many media personalities do the same thing. And let’s not talk about the poisonous social media. History studies are but a fleeting memory. All they can say is, “ yeah, but 1948” reeeee! Bunch of sheeple who have no idea. I especially love queers for Palestine. Do me a favor, go there and see how quickly you’re murdered for your beliefs.

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No nation has a right to exist. History is replete with examples of nations which were vanquished including Israel. Nations do have the right to protect their existence through the use of armed force against its enemies. I honestly do not see an answer for this situation. When two peoples want the same land, sooner or later blood is shed and it continues until one or the other party is vanquished.

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The question is moral, not tautological. It is the equivalent of asking if Israel has the right to defend itself. And, yes, it is an open call to "pick a side."

As long as the Middle East is in the thrall of religious leaders that teach children to hate Jews, the conflict will persist. Israel will be in a state of heightened defense for the rest of our lives, and beyond, because the hatred of Jews is too deeply ingrained in those (backward, repressive, and failed) cultures.

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If you are powerful enough to hold off your enemies then your nation remains in existence. Otherwise, you join the long list of nations already found in the trash can of history. Personally, I'm pessimistic regarding Israel. Hate is far more powerful and cohesive a force than reason especially when the basic issue is that two different people want the same land for themselves and there is no room for compromise. We should continue to support Israel but I see that dropping over time just as happened with our efforts in Afghanistan. We think in terms of years or decades. Our enemies think in terms of centuries.

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Coincidentally, this appeared in my YT feed.


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12 hrs agoLiked by Peter Venetoklis

I don’t know if you are my favorite blogger because of your brilliant insightfulness or your fabulous writing. Or maybe your ample use of hypertext links to other articles. 😁👍

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#blush :)

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What is truly interesting is, it strikes me after reading this excellent analysis, that the same is happening between "left" and "right" in America. Not just in the sense that so many on the left are pro-Hamas, but that so many have developed the same hatred for the right as the Arab world has for Israel. The success of so many on the right, their happiness and contentment, seems only to further exacerbate the left's awareness of its own failures. Thus, instead of seeking to become successful, it attempts to eradicate that which highlights its own shortcomings. They would rather see America destroyed and turned into the equivalent of Gaza under Hamas than to accede to sound, constitutional policy that could lead to a Phoenix-like rebirth of this amazing country.

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