Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who make a good living by creating divisions among us. If Dante's model of Hell actually existed there's a good chance that many of them would wind up in the fourth circle for those who were greedy. Of course, circles eight and nine for fraudsters and traitors might also be their final destination. Even though we strongly disagree on things, I appreciate that you are not like them. You are honest and your writings reflect that.

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Nostradamus was not as prescient as Orwell.

As for "I'm following George Carlin's lead here, and will no longer soften Jew-hatred as 'antisemitism'," good for you. I've forever said that political correctness was pernicious. Softening terms to avoid dealing with hard truths helps no one; it only leads to destruction.

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Woke is the embodiment of self adulation.

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