"...the United States, a nation established on the very ideas of freedom and limited government..."

The public question each *public servant* needs to [be forced to] answer is, Have your actions supported individual freedom and limited government?

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Usually on this topic, the free market defender is playing defense, citing wonky statistics or finger-wagging about “class warfare” and appearing about as empathetic as Mr. Potter in “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

The campaign against socialism needs to play offense, not defense. Point out the many ways that government interference in personal freedom and free markets blocks opportunities to rise out of poverty. Just a few examples:

- Millions of poor/minority kids are trapped in dysfunctional urban public schools while “progressives” oppose school choice.

- NIMBY home building restrictions raise the cost of housing while killing potential construction jobs.

- Occupational licensing (ok for brain surgeons, not needed for hair braiders)

- In general, excessive business taxes and regulations hit hardest at manufacturing companies that offer decent paying jobs for non-college educated “regular folks”

- Lower income people don’t have much left to save and invest after putting 12.6% of every paycheck (including employer matching) into the Social Security Ponzi scheme.

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