On January 1, 2023 several states across the nation officially began enforcing new minimum wage laws, which were voted in last November. California has the highest, at $15.50/hour. In Washington D.C., it’s $16.10. And the push is on to make $15/hour the federal standard.
Excellent summary and this can't be said enough. Labor force participation is abysmal in this country and it needs to be addressed as a national disgrace. EVERYONE who is able should participate in the workforce starting as early as they are capable...that's what the entry level job market is for. Learn what it takes to produce goods and services starting as a teenager with a weekend or after school job. Learn what it means to show up at the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform and with the right attitude. Put a little jingle in your pocket and get your hands dirty. It's not a career - it's a learning opportunity. And you may learn - you should learn - you don't want to do this for the rest of your life.
The government cuts off this route by pricing entry labor too high for many businesses. Their only choice is then to automate - capital investment in equipment being cheaper than hiring unskilled labor. That's fine, except the government is also inundating us with immigrant labor that will work those jobs off payroll for below the official minimum. The result is Americans no longer work - they are estranged from the concept of what it takes to produce anything. And it's been getting worse and worse for a long time - and it's showing no sign of improving....
Excellent summary and this can't be said enough. Labor force participation is abysmal in this country and it needs to be addressed as a national disgrace. EVERYONE who is able should participate in the workforce starting as early as they are capable...that's what the entry level job market is for. Learn what it takes to produce goods and services starting as a teenager with a weekend or after school job. Learn what it means to show up at the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform and with the right attitude. Put a little jingle in your pocket and get your hands dirty. It's not a career - it's a learning opportunity. And you may learn - you should learn - you don't want to do this for the rest of your life.
The government cuts off this route by pricing entry labor too high for many businesses. Their only choice is then to automate - capital investment in equipment being cheaper than hiring unskilled labor. That's fine, except the government is also inundating us with immigrant labor that will work those jobs off payroll for below the official minimum. The result is Americans no longer work - they are estranged from the concept of what it takes to produce anything. And it's been getting worse and worse for a long time - and it's showing no sign of improving....
Thank you, Jeff! Excellent comment!