Sep 18Liked by Peter Venetoklis

I have been denied twice by NICS. Appeals took 9 weeks, I won. To NICS I resemble an incarcerated person 1500 miles away. Really? Already incarcerated yet trying to purchase a firearm?

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Yeah, the system is buggy and has many false denials. Doesn't mean they shouldn't follow up on them - both from the perspective of clearing their own errors and* to prosecute convicted felons trying to buy guns.

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I learned they didn’t have SSN or middle name of the other guy. Didn’t care I had same drivers license for 45 years, same address for 35 years, or 20 years of DoD clearance during the other guy’s incarceration. Or that the local Sheriff had no concern issuing a carry permit. Race, similar name, same DOB, “match!” I have a letter from the Department of Justice stating that I may have been “adjudicated mentally deficient.” Fun letter to show friends. Have to laugh else cry.

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Sep 18Liked by Peter Venetoklis

I read that the State of Florida also plans to prosecute Routh.

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Are they certain these assassination attempts aren't staged. The gunmen might actually be getting paid to fail. They would, of course, need a credible backgound story involving mental instability, subversive activity or just a guy who lost a lot of money. It would be an interesting irony if one of them succeeded. A conspiracy story combined with a tale of the unexpected.

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Are they certain Trump and Harris aren't lizard people?

Absent some credible evidence, this is just handwaving.

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