Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Liked by Peter Venetoklis

"... we must not let the sympathizers and apologists get away with their conflations and outright lies ", while I agree, haven't they though? They may have dropped the repetition of the lie, but has there been any retractions or mea cuplas? Not that I have seen, but even if I just missed that, it would be too little too late. We can point out the fallacy of the proportional response nonsense, but it will be mere background noise, lost to the roar of the Left's winning Info War campaign.

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We keep calling them out on it, and call out anyone who repeats it.

As for winning the info war - I suspect that the broader public sentiment is far more pro-Israel than the legacy media suggests. Over in the ME, in the Arab world, they will continue believing whatever Hamas tells them. Nothing to do about that, other than side with Israel's right to respond fully, as in they're in a hot war, as in victory means scrubbing Hamas en toto.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Peter Venetoklis

I realize math is hard in Obama's Fundamentally Transformed America. News flash: 1000:1 is a proportion. The real issue is how great of a proportion is necessary for one to get the point one does not attack Israel. Or the USA.

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“I speak (write?) of the "proportionals." As in those who urge Israel to be “proportionate” in its response.

What the [redacted] does that even mean?

Should Israel stop once it has killed either the same number, or the same percentage by population? Should Israel tally up all the Hamas rapes and rape that many in return? How about dead babies? Should Israel actually go out of its way to murder babies, but then stop when it murders the correct number of them?

I'm sure the response would be "no, of course that's not what I mean," but that doesn't change the fact that "proportionate" is nonsense. It is a veneer over the truth: that these people don't want Israel to retaliate any more than it already has. They are no different than the "ceasefire" advocates who, deep down, want Hamas to continue its terroristic war against Israel and Jews. It's also a "standard" that you only ever hear applied to Israel.”

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What’s your point?

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I am merely quoting a passage from Peter’s column that was really “good.”

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Ahhh, I see.🙂

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Let’s not forget the United Nations! Why are we still a member?

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Israel - and I believe there's wide agreement here - knows the real source of their problem is Iran, and that stomping out Hamas, et al, is not going to "solve" the problem. Securing their border communities is necessary in the short term, but I am hopeful after this initial phase, we (led by the US) can return to a regime of isolating Iran's ruling class and forcing it to either abandon its state funding of terrorism and extermination, or face collapse. It needs to be done this time. No more Band-aids. Team Biden REALLY doesn't want to be forced to confront this, as their policy for three years has been to coddle Iran. https://jeffmockensturm.substack.com/p/yes-the-iranians-are-the-baddies

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The only way to solve the Gaza problem, is not only to wipe out as much as possible all current Hamas leadership, along with the tunnels and tools of war, but to finally *annex* it under its rule.

That won't be easy of course, Israel made the mistake that led to the current situation decades ago when it forcibly removed its own citizens from Gaza in the misplaced and futile effort to gain peace by handing the strip over to implacable enemies, caving in to their - and the world's - demand for a two-state solution that Arafat and everyone since on the Arab side has continually rejected in favour of their "from river to sea" goal.

But If they fail to annex Gaza now, no matter the cost of that, if they simply leave again after "punishing" Hamas (regardless of any subsequent aid to rebuild), Hamas will simply rebuild, ream and in a few short years conduct yet another similar attack.

The cost of annexation, including the constant severe policing it would require for at least a few years (until a majority of citizens start to see how much better their lives are becoming under Israeli rule), and the constant criticism and condemnation of the U.N. (F* them) and the world in general, it would be MUCH cheaper in money and lives then allowing Hamas to rebuild and continue their dream of destroying Israel.

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