By now, anyone who isn't engaging in willful ignorance or outright deceit knows that multiple parties worked, in parallel and in conjunction, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story that the New York Post broke shortly before the 2020 election.
2020 remains an asterisk election - "special rules" that defied state law enabled the mass mailing of ballots, and subsequent "harvesting" to produce a statistically incredulous number of votes. Or "votes". I'm content to say "we'll never know" because once those ballots are blended in with millions of known legitimate ballots, there's just no sorting it out. If it WAS a cheat, then they got away with it. Never again. Now as to your OTHER point, I agree wholeheartedly - it appears Trump has taken this "time out" to focus and consolidate a governing mindset. We're better off for it.
FTR, it was pointed out by a friend that I typed "Trump's favor" when I meant "Biden's favor." Corrected, thanks given, and I am prompted to dredge up this bit of history.
"If many faultes in this book you fynde,
Yet think not the correctors blynde
If Argos heere hymselfe had beene,
He should perchance not all have seene.
—Richard Shacklock, printer (ca. 1565); quoted in an Apple tech manual I read in 1980. I searched for another copy for years."
Since you mentioned that biased press coverage can account for 3% of electoral returns, perhaps you should have mentioned in your bullet points that those four swing states Trump lost were all by less than one percent, and three of the four were by margins less than two tenths of a percent.
I will disagree with one point (not that I’m going to harp on this with anyone) - there was plenty of evidence that there was cheating in 2020. It wasn’t that it was disproven - it was that the evidence was never heard or permitted to be examined in court, as virtually every lawsuit brought was dismissed on the (tenuous) basis of lack of standing for those filing the suits.
And I agree wholeheartedly that there is absolutely no justification for not requiring ID not for not having some type of auditable “receipt” for every vote cast.
Greatly enjoyed your thoughts. I agree Trump might be better off this time too. He shouldn’t have to fight off bogus impeachment charges and with the house and senate mostly on his side that will help too. I’m also very confident that he learned so much from the first term he will avoid many mistakes. His cabinet nominees are looking fabulous and many other appointments are looking brilliant as well. He works harder than anyone that has ever been President. “Trump will fix it” might be a tag line, but 82% of the counties in America have had enough of the current situation. Fiscal responsibility is a must, shrinking bureaucracies is a must, stopping the green energy madness is a must, there is so much to do, but I’m a believer in DJT🗽🇺🇸
What do you think about Trump wanting to put in a two year suspension of the debt limit? It seems that he waited until late in the process to ask for that and we may be facing a shutdown since deficit hawks rejected it.
How accurately can votes be counted? When the difference is a few thousand votes out of millions, you basically have a statistical tie. The fairest thing would be to flip a coin. Unhappy about losing the coin toss? Then next time run a better campaign and win by a margin beyond round-off error.
Let’s say counting is dead certain accurate and a candidate wins by a single vote. Can you say that “the people have spoken” and there is a clear mandate for sweeping change?
Don't disagree with your analysis in details. But consider if trump won 2020 - it would have been another 4 years of impeachments etc. Bidens tenure revealed the royal scam for all to see. Even as trump was being found guilty of dozens of felonies in NYC, Feb 2024 Hur report was jaw dropping - guilty but incompetent to stand trial. And what followed for all to see if you believed your own lying eyes. Maybe the good citizens of our great democratic experiment needed to see this denouement crescendo with MSM chorus reprising Linda Blair head spinning vomitus over everyone everywhere for a candidate who has literally never gotten a single vote. How could anyone remotely think that wouldn't end how it did? Terrified what might happen in next 30 days , as the desperate are cornered about to be called to account for their actions.
I tend to agree, and as I noted we may be better off in the long run having had Trump-Biden-Trump rather than 8 years of Trump. That said, Jan 6 would not have happened, and who knows what the landscape might look like today?
BTW Peter - Agree, but which Jan 6 wouldn't have happened? The one where the Capitol was left pretty much undefended and a Mob (+ 35 and counting FBI infiltrators) was good as invited in to sack it? Or the other Jan 6 that didn't happen because the Jan 6 that happened made the other plan OBE - the one with the pipe bombs outside DNC with Kamala inside that nobody is not investigating so very much not at all. 😆
“voter rolls should be purged of the dead and those who have moved, well ahead of elections. Every vote should have a physical representation, whether it be a paper ballot or a receipt that the voter witnessed. None of these should be controversial,”
When judges circumvent law to stop this from happening they should be prosecuted. It is actual law almost everywhere that voter rolls are checked and cleaned up prior to at the very least federal elections. And until recent years identification was required and signature matching you to the voter roll was required. Yet when states attempt to do it some moron of a judge steps to the forefront and stays the law from being followed.
2020 remains an asterisk election - "special rules" that defied state law enabled the mass mailing of ballots, and subsequent "harvesting" to produce a statistically incredulous number of votes. Or "votes". I'm content to say "we'll never know" because once those ballots are blended in with millions of known legitimate ballots, there's just no sorting it out. If it WAS a cheat, then they got away with it. Never again. Now as to your OTHER point, I agree wholeheartedly - it appears Trump has taken this "time out" to focus and consolidate a governing mindset. We're better off for it.
FTR, it was pointed out by a friend that I typed "Trump's favor" when I meant "Biden's favor." Corrected, thanks given, and I am prompted to dredge up this bit of history.
"If many faultes in this book you fynde,
Yet think not the correctors blynde
If Argos heere hymselfe had beene,
He should perchance not all have seene.
—Richard Shacklock, printer (ca. 1565); quoted in an Apple tech manual I read in 1980. I searched for another copy for years."
Since you mentioned that biased press coverage can account for 3% of electoral returns, perhaps you should have mentioned in your bullet points that those four swing states Trump lost were all by less than one percent, and three of the four were by margins less than two tenths of a percent.
I will disagree with one point (not that I’m going to harp on this with anyone) - there was plenty of evidence that there was cheating in 2020. It wasn’t that it was disproven - it was that the evidence was never heard or permitted to be examined in court, as virtually every lawsuit brought was dismissed on the (tenuous) basis of lack of standing for those filing the suits.
And I agree wholeheartedly that there is absolutely no justification for not requiring ID not for not having some type of auditable “receipt” for every vote cast.
I'm sure there were instances of cheating, but whether they were sufficient to have tipped the election is something I remain unconvinced of.
I hope you are right about Trump being better suited now for a second term.
Greatly enjoyed your thoughts. I agree Trump might be better off this time too. He shouldn’t have to fight off bogus impeachment charges and with the house and senate mostly on his side that will help too. I’m also very confident that he learned so much from the first term he will avoid many mistakes. His cabinet nominees are looking fabulous and many other appointments are looking brilliant as well. He works harder than anyone that has ever been President. “Trump will fix it” might be a tag line, but 82% of the counties in America have had enough of the current situation. Fiscal responsibility is a must, shrinking bureaucracies is a must, stopping the green energy madness is a must, there is so much to do, but I’m a believer in DJT🗽🇺🇸
Well, I don't know about the hagiography, but I am more optimistic than I was last time
What do you think about Trump wanting to put in a two year suspension of the debt limit? It seems that he waited until late in the process to ask for that and we may be facing a shutdown since deficit hawks rejected it.
Great giggle, Peter, but every time I compare/contrast the old farts, I buy a little more hagiocracy... :D
How accurately can votes be counted? When the difference is a few thousand votes out of millions, you basically have a statistical tie. The fairest thing would be to flip a coin. Unhappy about losing the coin toss? Then next time run a better campaign and win by a margin beyond round-off error.
I understand statistical noise, but I see recounts often vary by only a hundred or sol
Let’s say counting is dead certain accurate and a candidate wins by a single vote. Can you say that “the people have spoken” and there is a clear mandate for sweeping change?
Don't disagree with your analysis in details. But consider if trump won 2020 - it would have been another 4 years of impeachments etc. Bidens tenure revealed the royal scam for all to see. Even as trump was being found guilty of dozens of felonies in NYC, Feb 2024 Hur report was jaw dropping - guilty but incompetent to stand trial. And what followed for all to see if you believed your own lying eyes. Maybe the good citizens of our great democratic experiment needed to see this denouement crescendo with MSM chorus reprising Linda Blair head spinning vomitus over everyone everywhere for a candidate who has literally never gotten a single vote. How could anyone remotely think that wouldn't end how it did? Terrified what might happen in next 30 days , as the desperate are cornered about to be called to account for their actions.
I tend to agree, and as I noted we may be better off in the long run having had Trump-Biden-Trump rather than 8 years of Trump. That said, Jan 6 would not have happened, and who knows what the landscape might look like today?
BTW Peter - Agree, but which Jan 6 wouldn't have happened? The one where the Capitol was left pretty much undefended and a Mob (+ 35 and counting FBI infiltrators) was good as invited in to sack it? Or the other Jan 6 that didn't happen because the Jan 6 that happened made the other plan OBE - the one with the pipe bombs outside DNC with Kamala inside that nobody is not investigating so very much not at all. 😆
“voter rolls should be purged of the dead and those who have moved, well ahead of elections. Every vote should have a physical representation, whether it be a paper ballot or a receipt that the voter witnessed. None of these should be controversial,”
When judges circumvent law to stop this from happening they should be prosecuted. It is actual law almost everywhere that voter rolls are checked and cleaned up prior to at the very least federal elections. And until recent years identification was required and signature matching you to the voter roll was required. Yet when states attempt to do it some moron of a judge steps to the forefront and stays the law from being followed.