As a conservative Christian (but not one with pretensions to being a saint), I fear that any scheme of humanity be it government or business or secular or religious is tainted by our flawed nature. John Adams wrote “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” When the people go bad so does the nation when private desires trump (no pun intended) public virtues. Our nation needs a Cincinnatus. Instead, we have the same group of clowns.

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I lived in the Republic of Ireland when the government proposed a Value Added Tax to "reduce and evntually replace the income tax". It was sold in all the papers and on the government media as giving far greater services and more money in the hands of families. Of course once the VAT was installed, you can guess, there was no change to income tax. The interesting part is the fatalism of those who voted for VAT. The universal opinion seemed to be, "yeah, well, we knew THAT was going to happen." Yet they went along with allowing it to happen. Like Obama Care I suppose. We are doomed by our majorities to be led by the nose.

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