Jul 5Liked by Peter Venetoklis

"...the guy they’ve spent years propping up and covering up, has finally been outed as suffering a cognitive decline too obvious to hide any more."

The biggest issue is that this guy's mental inability has been (well) known and hidden for a long time, well before the debate, and that the VP and Speaker haven't done their job in protecting the U.S. Who is issuing their orders not to call a spade a spade? Serious crime in my book to allow him to retain position as president.

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Jul 5Liked by Peter Venetoklis

The left should be fearful. When you start talking about impeachment the day of the new guy's inauguration, and when you follow that with relentless efforts to impeach and discredit, and when that is followed by four years of specious lawfare, it's hard to take your pearl-clutching of potential retribution seriously. The man opted to NOT "lock her up" because even in DC, certain taboos existed. They no longer do and the road runs both ways on new rules. Of course, the left is freaked out. It is petrified that someone might do to it what it has done to others.

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I would be more sanguine if I could expect that Trump would be surrounded by competent advisors to keep him from going off the rails. I have seen no evidence that's going to happen again.

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So, you'd rather the Democrats stay in power and continue their policies?

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No. I don't want either Trump or Biden in office. I would prefer either DeSantis or Nikki. If Trump were to pick either of them as VP, there's a good chance I would vote for Trump.

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If I had my druthers, I'd put Justin Amash in the WH, or Rand Paul. But, I don't, so I'm stuck with deciding which I'd rather see win in November.

No matter who the veeps are, at this juncture, I cannot fathom that I'd favor any Dem over Trump, given the havoc the Dems have wrought.

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