Peter, instead of repeating “brilliant” all the time, mebbe I’ll just start saying “ditto”. Kackles - there goes my name-calling again - could also be characterized as the blatherer.

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Jun 17Liked by Peter Venetoklis

Peter, the system IS working (if you’re a blind partisan).

If they really are planning to replace Biden, how does that work? Can they really just kick him to the curb at the convention? It sounds like an episode of Succession.

I don’t have a firm grasp on US elections but wonder if instead the plan is to pump Biden full of amphetamines and maybe formaldehyde and drag him over the finish line. Once he keels over in office, Kamala ascends and the Dems have their ideal figurehead in place—dumb and 100 percent controllable.

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I believe that, barring a 25th Amendment action, Biden would have to voluntarily withdraw. Delegates at the Convention are obligated to vote for the primary winner in the first round of voting, and Biden has enough locked up to secure the nom. So, he'd have to say "I am declining the nomination" along with whatever political folderol the speechwriters come up with. I'm sure it'll be "for my family and for the good of the country" and he'll be called brave and noble and all the rest.

I don't think they will 25A him, because that would mean that Harris would then become President, and good luck dislodging her from the election after that. Harris is, I surmise, more likely to lose to Trump than Biden is, simply because she's, at least in public, a blithering ninny.

One wrinkle is that at least one state requires the Presidential ballot be certified on a date that's before the convention, so there'd have to be something done to put whoever might replace Biden on that ticket.

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"...amphetamines and maybe formaldehyde..." This made me laugh out loud! Brilliant!!

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Two different trials but neither should work to elevate or degrade the integrity of either political party. Just get DeSantis and Newsom in the ring so we can be done with this Trump-Biden circus. Let's get to the issues. I really am tired.

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Easy to say, but the system doesn't work that way. Primary voters voted, and it'd be fundamentally wrong for their votes to be erased, even if they could be.

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Newsom would be even worse than Biden and he could muck things up for 8 years

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