“Above all, don't excuse your team's misdeeds, or grant it too much loyalty, blind or otherwise. Be your own person, and demand that your team elevate its game, clean its own house, and walk the talk. If your support and vote are in play, you are more apt to be heeded. If you are a rubber stamp for your team, your desires and views will be paid lip service but ultimately ignored.“

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Independent is no ordinary state of being.

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True, but that doesn't mean it's not a desirable state.

If your vote is in play, truly in play, you're more apt to be heeded and courted by the Big Two. If your vote is a sure thing, you'll get lots of lip service, but little result.

Look at how poorly the black community has been served by the Democrats that get 90% of its votes, just as one example.

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Thanks for pointing out that there is hope against the deeply embedded insidious permanent Washington.

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