It bends the irony meter than the nominee of the leftist party is a person who routinely warehoused mostly black men for petty drug crimes while using some as slave labor while hiding evidence that would have exonerated others. This is a minority woman who went out of her way to purposely harm other minorities. Yet Dem voters will blindly support her because the party told them to.

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The fact that all that is getting zero coverage from the legacy media, other than the occasional rationalization/apologetic, is further indictment of how corrupt they've become.

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Neither major party candidate is really fit for office. But roughly 40% of the electorate on the Left will vote for Harris because the party essentially told them to, and roughly 40% of the electorate on the right will vote for Trump because their party essentially told them to. “Told them to” in the form of “the choice is binary, and a vote not cast for our schmuck = a vote cast for their schmuck”.

The Democrats do it - but so do the Republicans.

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This is why parties bank on turnout as much as anything else. 80-90% of the country would rather chew hot gravel than vote for "the other team," so it's about either getting the unenthused to go vote or scaring the disgruntled into voting against the other team.

A friend and I often note that the level of political involvement such as you and we have is an outlier phenomenon. Most people aren't this deep into the "hobby" of watching politics that closely.

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