And a lot of farmland would be taken up by wi d and solar. We aren’t smart enough to do geoengineering. Look at the ecological disasters of introducing non native species to combat a native pest. Climate is far too complex to mess with.

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I disagree. We've created countless GMO crops that have been a massive boon to humanity. Nuclear power was successfully harnessed, so successfully that its safety record dwarfs all other forms of power, despite fears of the atmosphere igniting. All around us, now-mundane technologies were beyond imagining just decades prior.

Obviously, there are risks, but if (and I stress *if*) we find that AGW does indeed turn out to be a big problem, it's the only path to a remedy.

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Geo-engineering? Messing with something as complex as our climate? I agree we need nuclear power. And we need to bolster our resilience in the face of climate change that happens as a natural course. Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree…

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It's research against a doomsday scenario. It'd not be something we'd implement for decades.

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But they are already playing with geo engineering…

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To what, in particular, do you refer? Bill Gates had an effort shut down by the greens, recently.

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Several years ago I heard a report on geo engineering on NPR which seemed like a legitimate source.

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