Padre Peter, there you go again, preaching to the choir! But you preach sooo dang WELL! Knew you needed to “sneak some Greek” in there with the “Terrible Tetrad”!😁👍

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I made the graphic some time back, and I sneak it in where I can :)

Here's the OP.

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Special credit for "fumfer" and "lickspittle"!!!

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I was actually prompted to Google "fumfer" after the spellchecker rejected it. A word I've used much of my life but never realized was Yiddish in origin. But, of course, since I grew up in Brooklyn, my 'dialect' is chock-full of Yiddishisms.

I tip my hat to my friend Ed for "lickspittle." We enjoy entertaining each other with oddball words from time to time, so we've both worked on our vocabularies in that regard across the decades.

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