As much as I hate the idea of Kamalala becoming president, if Congress goes to the GOP it *might* not be so bad. She could still pen and phone us into destruction, but so could Biden. It'll be interesting to see what he does

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I think the sole focus should be on the midterms for now. We have a really bad cheating problem that needs to be fixed before we can hope to win the WH back. It's much harder to cheat in congressional districts, but those senate races in GA, PA, AZ, WI - expect widespread fraud and corruption. If it were ONLY up to the voters, I'd forecast that we're in for a veto-proof majority in both houses. But the Dems have broken the code on how to commit fraud using mailed out ballots and harvesters ("mules") to bring in what they need. And they are motivated. If you thought 2020 was the high water mark of their corrupt tactics, 2022 will pale by comparison - if we haven't shut it down. And I don't think we have.

So you ask about 2024? I say, let's see how clean a midterm we get first - after that, it may not matter who the Donks run in 24.

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