I don't think there's been a presidential election where the choices left me more inclined to go for an independent.

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I’m simply not voting for a POTUS: both Harris as well as Trump are too far Left for me.

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Do a write-in for Peter Venetoklis - a man with character and intelligence.

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“Her policy proposals, past and present, her voting record, and her prior political history (especially her time as District Attorney) are such target-rich environments that she can be hammered relentlessly without having to resort to personal aspersions, so there's no reason to go the latter route other than a "I want to pwn" mindset that will not win hearts or minds.

If you want to see Harris and The Machine lose, I suggest you do the same.”

There are many legitimate criticisms that may be made against VP Harris, but, making snide comments about her ancestry or sex are a bad idea. People won’t talk about her bad policies, they will attack *you* for being a “horrible person.”

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Peter, you make me feel so immature for calling her Kackles😟

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I've done the same. Do what you want in private. I'm just saying that it doesn't win hearts and minds.

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As always I know you are right

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Sep 6Liked by Peter Venetoklis

Angel on the shoulder great advice! But because all 3 of them, not just Harris, provide such rich material every time they open their mouths, it’s a constant struggle against that demon on the other shoulder! 😉

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I too try to keep my public comments above board for the same reasons you cite. Also when writing or posting (publicly) in disparaging "code", it implies "this is for people on MY side" - in other words, not intended to persuade.

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Why must anyone be deferential to Harris in any way? This is a polite way of saying that she is 'less than,' and that a woman who is also a racial minority cannot possibly be subjected to the same scrutiny as every other political candidate. That's a bit condescending, made even worse by her being a potential president.

If criticizing her - the way every other such candidate was criticized, except Obama, because that's how soft bigotry works - is indicative of some sort of ism or other social offense, then we are truly off the rails.

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You're missing my point. Refraining from personally derogatory comments isn't about deference, it's strategic. Don't give people who are on the fence reason to lean away from you.

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Perfect is the enemy of good. To self righteously sit home and not vote is to hand the election to Harris. Like it or not, that is the reality.

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I have listened to her speak garble often. I have listened to her intently, trying to find substance in things she says. I agree with you, it is enough. I find nothing to respect about her, however she should be treated civilly.

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